7 Ways You Can Improve Your Mood

We all have our bad days. How we overcome them is what matters most. You might be the type of person to let the storm pass, however, there are solutions to when you feel stuck in a rut. Here are 7 ways to improve your mood!

1.  Exercise

Physical activity can help improve your mood. When you work out and your heart rate increases, this triggers the production of norepinephrine. Norepinephrine helps mental clarity and may help reduce stress. Aerobic exercise increases the production of endorphins. Endorphins help reduce pain, stress, and help your overall well being. They are known as the “feel good” chemicals. Also, exercise increases blood flow to your brain, which helps concentration and memory. You can start small by implementing a 10 minute walk into your day or playing a sport weekly to ensure that you stay active.

2.  Interact with people

Socializing can combat feelings of loneliness and give you a sense of belonging. Human interactions increase feelings of happiness and your overall sense of wellbeing. High levels of socialization have also been linked to lowering the risk of dementia. Also, human connections help lower anxiety and depressive symptoms, boost self-esteem, and increase empathy. You also build more trusting relationships.

3.  Get involved

Try something new! Join a new club or try a new hobby that will stimulate your mind. Learning a new skill can boost your confidence and self-esteem. You will feel a sense of purpose and belonging. It could also provide you mental clarity and become a self-care activity.

New skills to try

  • Knitting
  • Painting
  • Sewing
  • Reading
  • Gardening
  • Event planning
  • Learning a new language
  • Camping
  • Playing an instrument
  • Running 
  • Scrapbooking

4.  Communicate feelings

To understand your thoughts and feelings more clearly, it is important to communicate them. Finding a method of communication best for you will help you to get out of negative moods when you feel them. Communicating your feelings in a safe space without punishment or judgment can provide you mental clarity. Also, it may reduce feelings of anxiety, anger, stress, irritability, and sadness. Setting aside time to focus on your emotions helps you gain control over them and improve mental health. It is important to find a safe space where you feel most comfortable to acknowledge all of your feelings.

Some possible communication aids

  • Talk to a therapist
  • Try journaling
  • Create a mood board
  • Try meditation
  • Talk to a trusted peer
  • Film a video diary

5.  Spend some time outside

When was the last time you went outside? Adults are also in need of time outside too, so go get a breath of fresh air. Oxygen is essential in maintaining a healthy brain and the brain uses 3 times more oxygen than muscles. Because your brain is sensitive to decreased levels of oxygen, taking a walk outside improves mental clarity and brain function. Also, being outside can improve concentration, increase vitamin D intake, and lower stress. Plan times in your day to be outside.

6.  Get enough rest

It is important to get enough rest to ensure that your body can function properly. Inadequate sleep can cause stress and irritability and affect concentration and energy levels. Allot enough time in your schedule to make sure that you can get a full night of rest. The CDC recommends that teenagers (ages 13-18) get 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Also, it is recommended for adults (ages 18-65) to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. College students, in particular, need 9-10 hours of sleep to support academic performance.

Pro tip:
Making a to-do list or schedule for the day can help you visualize all of your tasks. High priority tasks should be completed first in order of urgency. This will enhance time management. Usually, people who stick to a schedule are able to complete most of their daily duties. You will have time for meals, sleep, work, and breaks. Just because you make a schedule does not mean you have to stick to it exactly. It should only aid in helping you manage your time to make sure that you get the most of your day.

Download To-Do List Here. 

7.  Eat a balanced meal

The foods you eat can have an impact on your mood. Make sure that you eat a balanced diet with all of the recommended nutrients and vitamins to keep your body at its best. One important nutrient that aids in improved mood is omega-3 fatty acids. They help to maintain a healthy body, and most importantly, a healthy brain. Omega-3 has been linked to improving cognitive function and mood and can lead to a decrease in depressive symptoms.

Omega 3 Bars are a great option for a snack that can help improve your mood. As it contains 1250 MG of omega-3s per bar, you’ll be sure to get the recommended amount of omega-3s in your diet. Throw them in a packed lunch or grab as a quick snack during the day. 

When you're feeling down, there is always something you can do as a small pick me up. Try any of these tips to improve your mood anytime.



“Boosting Your Mood.” Boosting Your Mood | Johns Hopkins Medicine, https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/boosting-your-mood.

“How Much Sleep Do I Need?” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 14 Sept. 2022, https://www.cdc.gov/sleep/about_sleep/how_much_sleep.html

“How Exercise Can Improve Your Mood.” Aetna, https://www.aetna.com/health-guide/exercise-to-improve-mood.html