Rough 68% of Americans are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, despite it having an enormous amount of benefits. [1] In order to do omega-3 fatty acids justice, we have dubbed it the CEO of brain-supporting nutrients. It has such versatility and functionality within the human brain. For starters, omega-3s are a primary structural component of the organ itself, representing 8% of its total weight, and the majority of the weight of substructures like neuronal plasma membranes. [2]Additionally, greater consumption of these acids has been found to correlate with higher gray matter volume in critical components of the brain - especially in its memory center, the hippocampus. [3] [4] The core diver of this correlation is omega-3’s apparent capacity to induce the creation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that supports new neuron formation
One of the most beneficial aspects of omega-3 fatty acids that have been realized through studies is their ability to counteract inflammation and free radicals that contribute to a whole host of maladies from brain fog to literal damage. The aspect of omega-3s that gives it the ability to do this is its signaling capabilities to the body to mass-produce the antioxidant protein Nrf2 and “mediator” molecules that prevent, halt, and resolve inflammation. [5] [6] [7] [8] The impact of these biological mechanisms has been shown to be substantial across structural and emotional cognitive outcomes. For instance, studies have found that consumers of omega-3s are less likely to be anxious or depressed. [9][10] Additionally, a 2007 study tracked over 8,000 healthy older adults and found that those who regularly ingested omega-3-rich oils were 60% less likely to develop dementia than others. [11]
Furthermore, the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids has a strong correlation with neuronal plasticity, memory retention, and capacity to learn. Studies that took a look at 4-10 year-olds, found that omega-3 intake was associated with improved reading ability, listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition, and activation of the prefrontal cortex. [12] [13] [14] Moreover, Two 2012 studies found that the working memories of both younger (aged 18-25) and older (aged 51-72) adults improved when omega-3 pills were taken for extended periods of time. [5] [6] Lastly, across animal studies where brain injury occurred, omega-3’s corresponded with greater plasticity through reductions in oxidative damage, learning impairment, and cellular homeostasis disruptions. [15] [16] [17]
In essence, omega-3 fatty acids can do a good bit of everything.